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Tim Tebow

“Tim Tebow” the name just strikes fear into members of the SEC and whoever is playing against the Florida Gators that week. But just how much further does it go then that? How popular could this homeschooled QB from Jacksonville, Florida be? Is he envisioned on the same level as commercial stars such as Tom Brady, and Peyton Manning? I doubt it.. But that’s for one reason; he is currently not allowed to promote himself through commercials. NCAA has strict regulations on this topic. But is Tim Tebow the next marketable athlete?

The fan base of Tim Tebow is unbelievable. He has people that follow him around writing his every movement, some of these people he doesn’t even know. He has numerous websites where he is the topic of discussion people even make up “superman jokes” about Tebow. The name has to carry some sort of legacy. What makes him so popular? Is it his looks? Is it because he is the starting QB at the University of Florida? Personally, I think it is how he presents himself.

If anyone was alive in 2008, I’m sure you have heard the story about Tim Tebow’s heartwarming post game press conference after the Florida Gators had lost to the Mississippi Rebels in the Swamp (nickname for Florida’s home field) Tebow actually shed tears during his speech, showing much emotion and love for the game. Let alone he promised and fulfilled his statement in which he promised to go undefeated the rest of the season and promising to win the National Champion. How many other players do you know that have done this? Making statements like this before have backfired. Take a look at Tom Brady before the Super Bowl in 2008 against the Giants; Plaxico Burress made a statement “New England will be lucky to score 14 points against us” Tom Brady quickly backfired releasing a statement of his own saying “haha they are only giving us 14?” Hello Tom Brady, the SB42 Champions are here.. and they are the New York Giants! By the way?  How many points did the Patriots score that game? I’m just simply stating that it is very hard to live up to expectations after making a statement like that. Superstitious people would like to call it a “jinx”.

Tim Tebow also volunteers himself at many local charities for his religious beliefs. He is a firm supporter of his religion (Christianity) heck, he even writes “John 3:16” on the eye black on his right eye. Tebow is the only player in NCAA history to be allowed to accept donations for his charities while he is still a college athlete. Hardcore fans of Tim Tebow have even created a clothing line with many of his creative and inventive quotes on the back, followed by the “S on the chest” representing Superman.

College Football fans everywhere will tell you as much as they might say they hate Tebow, his work he does on the field and for the community is simply breathtaking. Tebow’s Girlfriend has stated that if he was in every commercial he was offered, he would be on every TV station for at least 15 minutes a day, however the NCAA denies college athletes to promote and do commercials. Tim Tebow will forever be remembered in College football as one of the greats. He is one of only two players to win the Heisman trophy as a sophomore, and is the leading candidate right now to win it again this year. For all his hard work and dedication, he deserves some sort of respect for all he has done.

Categories: NCAA
  1. December 7, 2009 at 5:39 pm

    Tim Tebow is one of my favorite college players, and in my opinion the greatest NCAAF player ever.

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